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Cultural background essay

Cultural background essay

Cultural Competency in a Typical Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : According to Michael Bartone's article "Cultural applications: Ideas for teacher education programs," adequate preparation for teachers demands a multifaceted approach to the instructor's education. Your application will be reviewed and screened by our Human Resources department. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Cultural Background Summary Shenita L. This in essence led to blaming the victims of cultural incompetence -- or at least cultural blindness -- for problems that were largely inherent to the system and beyond the students' grasp to even perceive, let cultural background essay understand and articulate to authority figures, cultural background essay.


Cultural Awareness Americans have traditionally celebrated the diversity of cultures that comprises the United Cultural background essay. Despite some reservations, much of the country still believes that the amalgamation of different ethnicities contributes to the richness of American culture. The merging of cultures in the United States has also given rise to conflicts and collisions, as established concepts are confronted and challenged. New belief systems, often developed over centuries, have already redefined prevailing Western cultural concepts. This paper examines how prevailing Western cultural concepts regarding the soul and spirituality, gender and healing have been challenged and redefined by a growing awareness of cultural alternatives. Some of these concepts, cultural background essay, such as gender, cultural background essay, were redefined largely within an American context.

Many, cultural background essay, such as healing and spirituality, have been influenced by Eastern and African cultures and religions. The first part of the paper looks at the various cultural meanings of healing, as practiced cultural background essay the…. Thus, cultural background essay, the first step is to dispel of few of the common myths about cultural diversity, such as the myth that a minority culture should be characterized as a phenomenon that diverges from the mainstream culture, the myth that bilingualism should be considered as a disability rather than an asset, or the myth that multicultural education is only relevant in those classes where there are members of the minority groups Sanchez, cultural background essay, Thus, the main ways in which the aims of multicultural education can be achieved are to make the students or else other members of the community aware of the process of stereotyping and of what it implies, to expand the students' knowledge about other cultures with an emphasis on the basic equality of every civilization, to stress the value of diversity, to use comparisons between different cultures when trying to teach about similarities and dissimilarities.

All this can…. Andre goes on to say some critics see Hirsch's efforts to bring culture into the classroom are not so much "cultural literacy" but more like "cultural indoctrination. For example, the question of "Whose form of knowledge, culture, vision, history and authority will prevail as the national culture? Hirsch meanwhile answers these accusations in his Core Knowledge Web site, saying that the contend must arise from "a broad consensus of diverse groups and interests. Ng and Tuen pp. Mary Kay has to adapt certain shades of make up in China, Most importantly, Chinese views "face" as a kind of "respect and consideration. If the foreign marketers in China do not grant some favors or show respect to the Chinese counterpart, it is hard to build up a long-term….

Cultural Analysis Saudi Arabia and France Saudi Arabia and France are two entirely different cultures that have many cultural barriers between them; most notably language. Saudi culture has a less rigid concept of time and schedule compared to the West and meetings are often loosely scheduled around set prayer times; it is common for them to be interrupted; sometimes, there may be multiple people in the same office discussing multiple business matters Li. Saudi businessmen do not discuss cultural background essay details of business deals immediately in a meeting; instead, they first chitchat and inquire about the each other's welfare, cultural background essay.

Life and business as an important aspect of life are governed by the prescriptive tenets of a religion which forms the backdrop to society. Nothing happens which has not cultural background essay willed by God World Business Culture. To do business with a Saudi businessman, trust must first be established; it may be a…, cultural background essay. Cultural Empowerment When planning a health promotion program, we should consider the positive empowerment process and the negative behaviors. As we begin to understand our intended audience we can assure the most culturally-appropriate educational intervention. In doing so, we are more likely to create partnerships that help people successfully achieve lasting change and truly promote health. One of the most common issues that are not discussed in the armed forces is military sexual trauma MST.

This is when an individual will face unnecessary amounts of sexual pain from others they cultural background essay serving with. This has begun to occur so frequently that the Veteran Administration conducted a study, where cultural background essay found that the total amounts of MST affected: 1 in every 5 women and 1 in…, cultural background essay. Cultural and religious beliefs play a significant role in understanding works of art that are emblematic of a particular culture or religion. By understanding what these beliefs are, it is possible for viewers and outsiders to gain a better comprehension of both the form and meaning of a particular cultural background essay. There are certain aspects of Jewish architecture, for example, which point towards the location where Solomon's Temple was erected.

Without knowing such background information, cultural background essay, those studying art would overlook many of the key symbolic interpretations of different pieces of art. The meaning of art is oftentimes rooted in its cultural and religious significance. Without cultural and religious understanding of a civilization that produced a piece of art, the viewer can simply make a series of assumptions. Most of those assumptions are based on importance. For instance, in artwork in which there is more than one figure represented, the viewer can…. Cultural Diversity: One of the things that I have always had a difficult time understanding is the animosity that exists between different races and ethnicities, and why that animosity would exist.

While I understood the historical reasons of racial animosity, I did not really understand how Hispanics and Asians fit into the underlying historical racial animosity between whites and African-Americans. Understanding how different minority groups have historically been pitted against one another by dominant groups, establishing caste-type systems that depended upon the different locations in the United States helped me understand why the various minority groups have not consistently joined together to pursue common goals, cultural background essay, even if doing so would have been the most expedient thing to do.

Instead, different ethnic groups have had their own civil rights movements, and have worked towards equity in different ways. I have learned new information about my own ethnic history. I had not…. CULTURAL ISSUES in four texts Cultural issues usually surface in a multicultural society like that of America's because co-existence of people from various different ethnic backgrounds can lead to undesired and unexpected conflicts. But these issues have also become important for those not living in a multicultural society because of the fact that world is rapidly turning into a global village. The closer the people of the world come, the more cultural issues they are likely to encounter. For this reason, it is important to study the reasons why cultural clashes cultural background essay place and find out how cultural differences affect our perceptions, cultural background essay.

The authors of the texts chosen for this paper have skillfully and appropriately highlighted these issues. Though the stories presented in these sources differ still the one thing that connects them to cultural background essay other is the fact that they all revolve around cultural clashes resulting from racial, ethnic…, cultural background essay. Cultural Artifact Mental Health Cultural background essay as Panacea A culture is made up cultural background essay people who have developed the same language or at least dialect of a larger languageart forms, religion, and other means of distinguishing one group from another.

It can be said that all groups have a certain culture that they have established by which they are constrained. For example, a company develops a culture that is specific to it, and that culture governs everyone who works at, cultural background essay, or is affiliated with, cultural background essay, that company. In ethnic terms, a culture will define the ways in which one ethnic grouping is different from another. Although certain groupings may have similar languages, religions and ways of doing things, they will also have differences which distinguish them.

In the same way that different species of birds are characterized by slight differences in appearance or location, people are grouped by the culture from…. Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas: Steve Kafka, franchisor for Chicago Style Pizza Steve Kafka, a proprietor of Cultural background essay Style Pizza, a U, cultural background essay. However, it is critical that Steve does not forget that, despite his familiarity with Czech culture, he was born in the United States and must orient himself to the unique cultural worldview of the Czech nation Major differences and incompatibilities between cultures and risk mitigation Perhaps the most significant difference between the U. And Czech business culture is a historical one, cultural background essay, namely the legacy of communist rule in the Cultural background essay Republic.

Cultural values are particularly important cultural background essay considering communities such as the Mexicans, the Americans, or the Chinese. Even with this, while Mexicans and Chinese individuals tend to be more attached to their cultures, Americans are more relaxed and open-minded when it comes to culture, cultural background essay, this largely being owed to the diverse ethnic environment in the U. The Chinese and the Mexicans are very strict with regard to their cultures and they tend to influence individuals belonging to each community to act in accordance with a certain set of ideas. Foods are very diverse, both in Mexico and in the U. Even with this, cultural background essay, the fact that Native American history has shaped both cultures means that there are numerous common cooking ingredients in both communities.

While both countries focus on corn as an item that can be used alongside of a series of other foods, one can really see a similarity…. Cultural Profile of Danny Below is the profile of a college Freshman using the ADRESING format by Hays Hays; Hays This method of assessment of cultural awareness is used by many clinical psychologists in order to guarantee cultural sensitivity during therapy and to provide culturally relevant care: Age or generational differences: Danny is 19, and a Freshman in college Disability: He has no visible disabilities and none of which he is aware. Religion: He is a Christian, but is not currently attending any local church.

Ethnicity: Danny is Han Chinese. Social status: At home in Beijing, Danny is upper middle class. His parents have good jobs and are party members, though they are not rich. Sexual orientation: Unknown Indigenous heritage: He is a member of the majority culture in Beijing, but is Asian minority in America. Nationality: Citizen of the PRC Gender: Male Profile: Danny is a college freshman…. Cultural Diversity in the Classroom When I was growing up, there were always some classmates who were just a little bit different from everyone else. It's not that there was anything wrong with these other students, but they were "unique.

Some of them came from other countries, and others were from my home country but their parents had come from other countries. Because of that, their culture was different from mine and from the culture that was shared by many of the other students. Some also clearly had much more money than other students, and some were learning my language as a second language. That certainly made them stand out. No matter what was different about them, they were all singled out for one of two behaviors: being ignored, or being bullied. The school didn't really address the differences between…. Literature classes focus mainly on the works of dead white guys, cultural background essay science talks about the accomplishments of dead white guys, cultural background essay.

While there are token mentions of the works of other races, they are not given equal representation. Furthermore, cultural background essay, many of the classics chosen contain antiquated attitudes about race. However, I am against censorship. Stories do not lose their value because of discriminatory depictions of African-Americans; instead they capture a portion of the relationship between the races at that time. For example, Harper Lee is honest about race discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird, but the racist language she uses captures a feeling and goes to the heart of the book. I would just like to see some more books cultural background essay the point-of-view of those in the minority.

Finally, some schools offer specialized courses or specialized months. An African-American literature course or women's history month, while well-intentioned, cultural background essay, do not really…. The solutions are numerous and more diversified. Knowledge is crucial for business success. There are two types of knowledge: explicit or tacit, cultural background essay. The explicit type is easily codified, cultural background essay, stored and transmitted to other individuals, cultural background essay. As opposed to the former, the tacit one is embedded in people. The size of the tacit knowledge is proportional to the diversity of the workplace.

Therefore, organizations face the increasing challenge today of finding ways to grasp into the pool of tacit knowledge they own in order to create competitive advantage. This is the type of knowledge to which competition doesn't have access because it's embedded in unique individuals belonging to a give organization. Knowledge can be enhanced by the learning process. Its final objective is to be materialized into products and services. This final stage of the process refers to the innovation part.

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Ephesians worshiped their gods in the temple and other areas specifically designed for worshiping. The Jews in Ephesus also had a synagogue in which Paul the apostle of Christ began his mission in Ephesus. Historically, the book of Ephesians is a letter by Paul to the people of Ephesus. Writing of the book took place from about 61 A. D targeting the Christians of the early church in Ephesus. Historical information shows that when…. Not celebrating Christmas, and not having time off from school for Persian religious holidays, has always made me take great notice of the fact that I am "different. It took me quite awhile to come to this realization and to fully accept my culturally diverse identity as a Persian-American, but now that I have I realize that the diversity I struggled with in my youth has actually given me a great advantage in modern society.

I am already prepared and well equipped not only to "deal with" cultural diversity, but to actively engage and navigate a world where it is commonplace. Learning to not only tolerate but to utilize cultural diversity in the workplace can be very difficult. Even something considered as standard by many people such…. In order to meet the needs of culturally diverse groups, health care providers must engage in the process of becoming culturally competent. Cultural ability is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or amongst professionals and enables that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.

The idea of competence is used because it entails having the capacity to function effectively Campinha-Bacote, Josepha, It is very important for health care providers to be aware of the differences that exist between themselves and their patients. In order for the physician to be successful they have to be able to treat each patient as an individual. Each patient is different on many levels and each of these needs to be taken into account as a diagnosis and treatment plan in put into place. Health care providers need to be culturally…. opportunities to improve the cross-cultural and cultural-awareness training at Hilton Hotels International, Inc. This study was important because Hilton Hotels compete in 78 countries across six continents and hosts guests from virtually every country in the world during a given year.

In order to continue to its efforts that began in the late s to rebuild its eroded brand, Hilton Hotels has sought to exceed customer expectations at every turn. To achieve this goal, the study examines how Hilton Hotels can identify existing resources and use them to their optimal effect in developing timely human resource responses to the need for cross-cultural and cultural-awareness training. To this end, Chapter One of the study introduces the company and the issues under consideration, followed by a SWOT analysis of Hilton Hotels in Chapter Two. An analysis of the world's most widely spoken languages and their impact on Hilton Hotels in Chapter Three…. employee's cultural background has a direct influence on attitudes and job satisfaction. Research on cross-cultural organizational and human resource issues help management better understand and guide practice.

The most cited cross-cultural work on employee attitudes is that of Hofstede , Within the Native American community there is a well-known tradition of respect for the importance of family and honoring of elders. In To Build a Bridge: Working with American Indian Communities, authors John Poupart and John Red Horse affirm that cultural values have been seen as a personal source of power within Indian cultures for years. Today, they say that the former traditional values are being rediscovered. This manifests in the form of restorative justice, leadership practices, alternate methods to resolve disputes, and community development programs on the reservation Holmes, International Management The cultural tourism is a part of cultural industry and it promotes cultural products of travelers as cultural practice Craik, ; 87; Prentice, This tourism format is well thought-out as an organization which covers diverging activities.

Traditional building or sites are of attraction for the tourists and this is used as an incentive by the cultural tourism industry. These buildings had their own distinct past but nowadays it is presented in totally different manner for the means of tourism, so that more tourists are attracted. Therefore, these traditional spots are used as entertainment spots for those people who are out on vacations, thus giving a boost to the cultural tourism Herbert, 1. But these traditional spots are taken differently by every cultural tourist. Like for instance, a historic monument might be a very interesting factor for a few tourists while others may regard it as a….

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Population in Music Therapy We are influenced by music as intensely as everything we feel. Music by now is a true therapy for numerous people; regardless they perform it or hear it. It attains its highest implication when it assumes an element of religiosity. Almost every important sacred custom has music that exemplifies the religiousness and yearning of the individuals. It has been described that music is the science or art of the formation of sounds, which are understandable by the human brain as being pleasant and entertaining. There have been several researches that have studied the influence of music on the anxiety of clients. A research observed the influence of music use in several clinical field, comprising anesthesiology, surgery, orthopedics, dentistry, and obstetrics.

Patients were given to choose the music they liked and listened to it prior to undergoing operation. Till the patients fell asleeep,…. This also has major implications for military operations, both within a military unit and in the interaction between the military unit and another culture. Essentially, the problem of ethnocentrism can be seen at the root of the other cultural problems discussed in this context; it implies both a lack of understanding about the impacts of the unit's culture on the people of a foreign culture, as well as a lack of appreciation and understanding for that culture Hoskins Conclusion Culture is strange, in that it is both constant and always changing.

The only static culture is a dead one; as the various elements and generations of a culture interact, change is bound to happen. When there is no longer any interaction within a culture or between a given culture and other cultures, there is no longer any point to that culture, and indeed that culture could not realistically exist…. In that regard, fundamentally different interactions between the genders is one element of cultural practices that differs most substantially from national culture to culture and even among individuals of different ethnic or religious backgrounds within the dominant national culture.

Dealing with Cultural Differences Positively: Cultural differences have tremendous potential for creating divisiveness in the workplace where no appropriate effort is made by management to increase cultural awareness and mutual sensitivity and respect among coworkers with different cultural backgrounds and expectations. Inside this report, it acknowledged that not every Americans, particularly minorities, are getting the equal mental health treatment, a discovery that provoked the Surgeon General to give out a supplemental report on differences in mental health care for individuals of color Donini-Lenhoff, The addition, which was available in , sends out one obvious message: culture does actually count.

Cultural competency is considered to be one the vital ingredients in closing the differences hole in health care. It is looked as the way patients and doctors are able to come together and then talk about health issues without cultural differences stopping the conversation, nonetheless improving it. Fairly simply, health care services that are deferential of and receptive to the health beliefs, practices and cultural and…. As these examples convey, it is highly important that anyone who will be engaged in cross cultural communication be familiar with the nuances in behavior or even the lack of behavior of other nationalities as dictated by their cultures.

In American business culture, communication tends to be more dynamic compared to the Japanese Lee, 2. Most Americans expect a lively discussion when they are involved in negotiations. In American business culture, it is expected that there will be interruptions every now and then and it is often that a speaker's turn is stolen by another. This way of discussion is said to be rarely found in Japanese communication. What is observed is "a smooth transition of speakers is the norm, and frequent and often long periods of silence are common. The listener is expected to interpret what is unsaid" Lee, 2. Other difficulties in cross cultural communication are influenced by…. Global Perspectives on Leadership Working with individuals from Latin America requires significant consideration of various factors that influence the relationship and the realization of a shared organizational objective.

Firstly, taking into consideration the cross-cultural communication that will dominate the interaction with individuals from this culture is imperative. The fact that cultural differences exist translate to the communication breakdown that should be managed by the leader of an organization. Developing a culture-sensitive environment will help eliminate such barriers. The leader should also consider the context and content of understanding business setup when working with individuals with Latin America culture. Textual analysis shows that Latin business culture focuses on the broad aspects of the organizational relationship, social approaches, and broad circumstances influencing the business Moran, , p.

However, the culture of other states such as the U. places a strong emphasis on the communication content. The content of focus includes facts,…. Cross Cultural Leadership Cultural Differences in Leadership Cultural differences determine certain leadership traits and portions of our personality. It is easy to discredit the importance of cross-cultural differences and their influences on various leadership styles. Different cultures are known for certain traits. For instance, the Australian culture is known for it egalitarianism. Chinese culture is known as an authority oriented culture Sharpe, These differences in culture result in the development of different leadership styles and traits.

The following will explore the issue of cultural differences and will support the thesis that leaders from authoritarian countries have a greater power distance from their employees than do those in egalitarian cultures. Sharpe found that the Australian culture and the Chinese culture dictated certain traits in regards to desirable leadership traits. Both the Australian and Chinese participants felt that these leadership traits were more important on the lower levels than on…. Maznevski and Peterson reiterated that culture is important in the provision of an individual's first impression. Studies have indicated that national culture has a lot of influence on the perceptions of individuals, their behaviors as well as their beliefs as noted by Harrison and Huntington and Hofstede In order to fully understand the various cultural dimensions; we present Hofstede's cultural dimensions in the next section.

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions This theory is based on the work of Hofstede in his landmark study that involved a focus group derived from IBM employees. He derived a total of four dimensions namely; Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Masculinity as well as Power Distance Index. An additional dimension called the Long-Term Orientation LTO was later added. Individualism Vs Collectivism Individualism denotes the strength of the bond that exists between individuals within a given society. Companies and countries having high individualism are noted to…. These problems lead to serious intercultural communication issues in multicultural societies.

The paper focuses on explaining the challenges and issues which people from these cultures face while they interact or communicate with each other in different situations and settings. Intercultural Communication between Arabs and Americans Intercultural communication is largely effected by the cultural dimensions which shape…. The latter type of employees will act as mediators between the foreigner and the host, will point out potential mistakes and will also be more easily accepted by the staff. Undoubtedly, if Chinese who haven't had international experiences are capable of appropriately managing the business, they will be given the chance to hold top management positions after a certain period of intercultural training.

avoiding colors which are associated with fatality, avoiding gestures, words that are considered to be offensive etc. The Chinese market's demand for a foreign company's products is significantly influenced by collectivism. For instance, in Japan which is a collectivist culture too, a U. based company selling ice cream paid several Japanese to stay in…. This in turn will lead to a rift between civilizations, one that would encourage them to rediscover their own individual cultural identity. Therefore, the globalization of the world can mean the fragmentation of cultures and the possibility of new conflicts along civilization lines.

The theory of Samuel Huntington however has had several critics who argue that in fact the neo-liberal approach of world economics and politics will increase the financial resources of the world and thus foster the creation of a global culture based on similar moral values and norms. However, it is less likely for the neo-liberal practices to have this effect on the short-term because it is rather clear from the image of today's world that globalization has led, in a constant manner, to inequality. This consideration is rather simple and revolves around the issue of the distribution of resources.

More precisely, the developed world has limited resources…. Internal and external customers are both considered important and their needs must be anticipated and satisfied in the most suitable manner. The decisions that the executive leader makes must be based on solid information. He must be aware of the consequences of his decisions. At the same time, he must have a long-term perspective and make the best choice even if at the beginning its consequences might seem negative. A further competency that must be taken into consideration refers to the ability to efficaciously manage strategic resources including the human ones, the financial ones and the information ones. From this point-of-view, one needs to be updated with the technological development which are relevant for his work area.

In addition, he must make sure that everything from the recruitment process to the selection and rewarding of the staff members is done in the manner which best serves the organization. A leadership…. Also, virtue ethics must ensure that the leader acts in the best interest of those who he represents, works with, and works for. However, this does not suffice in order to implement an effective leadership style. In addition to this, the leader must be surrounded by individuals with similar ethical behavior. This would help the leader to achieve ethical responsibilities. Also, it would make it easier to observe any unethical conduct from the leader.

As mentioned above, there are also different levels of ethics, like mandatory and aspirational ethics. The lowest level of ethics, but not the least important, is represented by mandatory ethics. This type of ethics refers to compliance with the law. In this case, things are clear. All individuals, especially leaders, must respect the law. Aspirational ethics refer to the effects and influence that leaders' actions have on others. The first people leaders influence are represented by…. Cross-Cultural Tourist Research Cross-Cultural Interactions From the onset, it would be prudent to offer a concise definition of two of the terms that will be variously used in this text, i. cross-cultural interactions and culture. Culture, according to Hofstede as cited in Bowe and Martin, , p.

In that regard, therefore, cross-cultural interactions are in line with the ability of an individual or group of persons to not only form but also foster and enhance relationships with those who may not be members of their own culture. On this front, successful cross-cultural interactions are essentially based on…. Culture and Christian Education In the age of globalization, there is an increase of cross cultural interactions. There have been clashes between culture and Christian education in many societies throughout history. The goal of Christian educators in the 21st Century is to learn how they can cross over cultural barriers so as to plant the gospel education in nay other native soil apart from where they are from. There are always general attempts to reach everyone and no one particularly.

Once there is a specific culture set in Christian education then it will mean that some people will be excluded. The paper will look at some of the cross cultural perspectives when it comes to Christian education. it will look at how Christian education can be done and the development of curriculum cross culturally. Cross-cultural curriculum is a channel of communication and a well developed plan for making connections and experiences. Standards of Cultural Competent Care Emerging Standards of Cultural Competent This research paper is established to explore upon the emerging trends of culturally competent care in general organizational settings.

However, the scope of this care will be narrowed down specifically to health care organization I am working with. All the bits and bytes allied with the phenomenon of cultural competent care have been included in this paper, including the overview of what this trend is all about, what are the standards being followed in this particular domain and how those standards are applicable within my workplace premises. All in all, this paper will serve as a primer for the culturally competent care that is required to be promoted within different workplace environments. An Overview of Culturally Competent Care As a matter of fact, United States has appeared to be one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. ANA Cultural Diversity Position CARE ACROSS CULTURES ANA's Position on Cultural Diversity of Nursing Practice Position Statement In its official position statement, the American Nurses Association recognizes the importance of cultural diversity in all levels of nursing practice ANA Board of Directors, Approaches to the practice will not be effective if the indigenous and diverse cultural health and nursing needs are not addressed and met.

This is today's reality for all nurses, whether in the clinical setting, in schools, research or administration. Cultural diversity focuses on racial and ethnic differences. Each experience is unique. The very concepts of illness, wellness and treatment modes derive from a cultural perspective or world view. Culture is a concept on which nursing itself is founded and defined. Nurses, therefore, need to learn how cultural groups understand life processes; perceive health and illness; believe as the cause of illness; do to maintain health and…. The authors claim the only purpose of cross-cultural negotiations is to product a "contract" or an agreement, which they define as an "exchange of conditional premises in which each party declares it will act in a certain way" only on the condition that the other parties involved agree to live up to their promises p.

As with anything, cultural factors may influence how a contract is used and interpreted. The authors also proclaim there are two primary forms of contract that can result from cross-cultural negotiations. These include an explicit and detailed contract that outlines every contingency…. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Other Cultural Background Essays Cultural Background Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title?

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Cultural Awareness Americans Have Traditionally Celebrated the Words: Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Diversity Multicultural Education Was Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Differences of UK and Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Multiple Chapters Paper : Cultural Analysis Saudi Arabia and France Saudi Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Cultural Empowerment Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural and Religious Beliefs Play a Significant Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Cultural Diversity One of the Things That Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Capstone Project Paper : Cultural Issues Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Artifact Mental Health Drugs as Panacea Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas Steve Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Values Are Particularly Important When Considering Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Profile of Danny Below Is the Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Diversity in the Classroom When I Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Diversity as an African-American Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Diversity in Organizations Organization Words: Length: 17 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Cultural and Construction History of Words: Length: 17 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural and Construction History of Words: Length: 20 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Diversity Impact on Small Words: Length: 20 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper : Cultural Competency in a Typical Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Applications Ideas for Teacher Education Programs Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Article Critique Paper : Cultural and Construction History of Words: Length: 11 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Diversity Also Referred to Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Cultural Perceptions of Time in Africa Time Words: Length: 15 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Values and Ethics No Personal or Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Anthropology Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Capital Theory of Pierre Bourdieu the Words: Length: 1 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Competence and Ethics Community Research and Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural and Political Systems Terrorism Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Cultural Identity in the Namesake Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Competence in a World Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Intonation Cultural Differences in Words: Length: 12 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Cultural Identity and Personal Perspective Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Competancy Recent Awareness About Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Cross-Cultural Communication With Increased Competition Being Witnessed Words: Length: 19 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cross Cultural Theories Based on Bend it Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Bible Passage Ephesians 3 Historical and Cultural Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Personal Cultural Diversity the World Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Therapy Cultural Issues and Clinical Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Opportunities to Improve the Cross-Cultural and Cultural-Awareness Words: Length: 17 Pages Document Type: SWOT Paper : Cross-Cultural Issues Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper : International Management the Cultural Tourism Is a Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Importance of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Population in Music Therapy Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Culture and the Military Cultural Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Cross-Cultural Communication in Business Cultural Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper : Emerging Standards of Care Mental Health Cultural Competence Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cross Cultural Communication International Business Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Managing Cultural Differences in an Organization Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cross Cultural Leadership Cultural Differences in Leadership Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cross Cultural Management the Concept Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Chapter Paper : Intercultural Communication When People From Different Cultural Words: Length: 5 Pages 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Tramayne M. Butler July 26, Cultural Background Summary The term culture refers to a way of life — traditions and customs — transmitted through learning, which play a vital role in molding the beliefs and behaviors of the people exposed to them. According to Tylor , a British anthropologist, culture is that complex whole, which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. These influences are conveyed from generation to generation through the learning process.

Every culture is unique, but similar in many ways. No culture is like another culture. Some areas that are similar I have noticed are their commitment to their families, religion and education. Some differences that I have noticed are language barriers and family values. This paper will emphasize the various sources that play a part in my cultural background. I was born in the state of Mississippi in a small town where the population was a mixture of White, Black and Hispanic. Everyone seems to get along. My father and mother raised six girls and two boys with me being the next to the oldest of the siblings. From the age six through twelveth grade I attended the Tylertown public school. In , I graduated from Tylertown High School.

My family, religion, customs, and traditions Chinese elements, possibly including Mandarin characters and Hindi writing. Possibly the countries in the background with some transparency, so you can see the links in front. Also, the US. At times, I tried to combat common stereotypes with a distinctive personality contrary to any expectation. But as I molded my identity into an entity separate from my heritage, I found it difficult to embrace both simultaneously. I was myself and I was Chinese and Indian, but never really at the same time. At family reunions, I would glean what conversational insight I could from foreign words and broken English.

As my ears failed me, my eyes invariably turned to the slippery grains of rice sliding off the unfamiliar sticks and escaping my tired mouth. I would spend Family Education in China In a lifetime, family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. In China, many parents care too much about whether the children have a promising future, a decent job, and a wholesome life. Based on these expectations, the majority of parents feel that their responsibility is to create as favorable conditions as possible so that the children do not have to worry about anything in the future. In addition, many families in China believe that children should not pitch in on any housework; the only thing they should do is homework, since parents regard the grades as the only indicator for future success.

For instance, most Chinese students, including myself, are financially supported by parents. We do not have to work part- time in order to make a living; we drive to classes instead of riding bikes or taking school buses. Parents pay the tuitions, living, and other expenses on time as long as we let them know the number. Chinese Parents Influence and Control the Future of Their Children To most Chinese parents, children are the hope of the future, inheriting their remaining dreams. They do everything they can ensure a promising future for their children.

They make decisions for children BIBL DB1 Forum Knowing the Cultural and Historical Backgrounds of the New Testament It is my belief that it is necessary to know both the cultural and historical background of the New Testament. This would help in giving invaluable insight into the core understanding of what the scriptures are saying to us with the cultures and history as the backdrop. Culture was a large influence on the mindset of beliefs and practices during those times. This caused tradition to set in that was not easily changed. Jesus shook up this mindset by going against what was the normal culture and historical practices by showing and proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.

The story of the woman at the well gives us a clear example of this. When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, Jesus broke three cultural customs. First He spoke to a woman; second, she was a Samaritan who the Jews traditionally did not like; and third, He asked her to get Him a drink of water, which would have made Him ceremonially unclean because He used her cup. He Jesus showed that his mission was to the entire earth, not just the Jews. For we know that history itself is a lesson that can provide real-time life changing answers. For there to be a culture, there first had to be a history to build upon. The history that the New Testament builds upon offers to the officers that are currently employed. Just like most jobs the hiring process for the San Antonio Police Department SAPD starts with a written application.

This application can also be completed online however it must be printed out and turned in to the police department in person. The application consists of basic background information like: full name, date of birth, address, and also past employment history and drug or crime history. Once the applicant has filled out the application and turned it in they will be scheduled to take the written exam. Applicants must pass the written exam with a minimum score of 70 percent. On the same day as the written exam if the applicant passes, the next step is the physical fitness exam. The fitness exam consists of push-ups, sit-ups, running, climbing a five foot wall, and dragging a pound dummy 20 feet. There are minimum standards and according to the "San Antonio Police Department Careers" website the physical fitness test is a significant struggle for many applicants.

Once the physical fitness test has been completed successfully an applicant moves on to the background investigation. The investigation looks at the following things to determine if the applicant is suitable for the department: personal history and character, employment history, military history if applicable , driving If a whole body exposes to less than rem 1 Sievert dose of radiation, people will experience no short-term radiation illness. You will expose to approximately an extra 1 milli-Sievert whole-body dose per year due to the leak. The dose is far below 1 Sievert.

So you will not be sick because the cells in your body can repair the tiny damage naturally. When we expand the time range into a year, extra 14 to 15 people in of you will get cancers due to radiation. Much fewer people than 14 will actually die from cancer.

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