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Quantitative research essay

Quantitative research essay

There are some… References Cimino, C. Marital status, health, and mortality. The authors quantitative research essay determined that clinical assignments to community facilities may offer nursing undergraduates important opportunities for learning. Using a t-test to compare the mean ratings of the two groups, you find a significant difference and support for your hypothesis. esearch that attempts to quantify qualitative findings is oftentimes much more difficult than theory would imagine. These elements have been eliminated for brevity here, so do be sure to check the APA Manual or any other guidelines you are following for the necessary instructions, quantitative research essay.

Quantitative research methods

Posted by Rene Tetzner Sep 4, How To Get Published 0. The reported research observes the behaviour of restaurant customers, and example paragraphs are combined with instructions for logical argumentation. Authors are encouraged to observe a traditional structure for organising quantitative research papers, to formulate research questions, working hypotheses and investigative tools, to report results accurately and thoroughly, and to present thoughtful interpretation and logical discussion of evidence. The structure of the example and the nature of its contents follow the recommendations of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Content has been kept as simple as possible to focus attention on the way in which the paper presents the research process and its results.

As is the case in many research projects, the more the author learns and thinks about the topic, the more complex the issues quantitative research essay, and here the researcher discusses a hypothesis that proved incorrect. An APA research paper would quantitative research essay include additional elements such as an abstract, keywords and perhaps tables, figures and appendices similar to those referred to in the example. These elements have been eliminated for brevity here, so do be sure to check the APA Manual or any other guidelines you are following for the necessary instructions, quantitative research essay. Quaintville, located just off the main highway only five miles from the university campus, may normally be a sleepy community, but recent plans to close the only fast-food restaurant ever to grace its main street have been met with something of a public outcry.

Following this opening a brief introduction to published scholarship and other issues associated with the problem would be appropriate, so here the researcher might add a paragraph or two discussing:. This could be enhanced with evidence that when such choices are available, they are rare purchases for many families Parkson,particularly in small towns and rural areas Shemble, Explaining how the current research is related to the published scholarship as well as the specific quantitative research essay is vital. Research questions and hypotheses should be constructed to articulate and explore that idea, quantitative research essay. Research questions, for instance, could be developed from that claim in the Quaintville Times as well as from the published scholarship:.

Working hypotheses can be constructed by anticipating answers to these questions. The exact wording of your questions and hypotheses will ultimately depend on your focus and aims, but certain terms, concepts and categories may require definition to ensure precision in communicating your ideas to readers, quantitative research essay. A general statement about your understanding of how the current research will explore the problem, answer your questions and test your hypotheses is usually required as well, setting the stage for the more detailed Method section that follows.

Method Whether a brief general statement or a longer explanation of how the research will proceed appears among your introductory material, it is in the Method section that you should report exactly what you did to conduct your investigation, explain the conditions and controls you applied to increase the reliability and value of your research, and reveal any difficulties you encountered. For example:. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are therefore underrepresented, and observations from pm to pm on two consecutive Tuesdays 6 and 13 February are the work of my classmate, Jake Jenkins. Without his assistance, I could not have met my objective of gathering observations for every opening hour of the week at least twice Table 2 outlines the overall pattern of observation sessions.

From there I could see the customers both at the service counter and at their tables, but they could not see me, at least not clearly, and if they did, they paid me no more attention than they did the restaurant employees. A Method section often features subheadings to separate quantitative research essay present particularly important aspects of the research methodology, such as the Customer Fact Sheet developed and used by the author of this study. I therefore prepared a Customer Fact Sheet included as Appendix I at the end of this paper for gathering key pieces of information and recording observations about each individual, couple or group who purchased food or beverages. This sheet ensured that vital details such as date, weather conditions, time of arrival, eat in or take out order, number in party, approximate age of individuals, food purchased, food consumed, healthy choices, amount spent, who paid, dessert or extra beverage, children playing, interaction with other children and families, time of departure and other important details were recorded in every case.

The Customer Fact Sheet proved particularly helpful when my classmate performed observations for me and was invaluable for evaluating the data I collected. I initially hoped to complete at least of these Customer Fact Sheets and was pleased to increase that number by for a total of or an average of just over 10 per day over the 59 days of the study. Be sure also to include in your description of methods any additional approaches or sources of information that should be considered part of your research procedures, such as:. Results The Results section is where you report what you discovered during your research, including the findings that do not support your hypothesis or hypotheses as well as those that do.

Returning to your research questions to indicate exactly how the data you gathered answers them is an excellent way to stay focused and enable the selectivity that may be necessary to meet length requirements or maintain a clear line of argumentation. The results of my investigation were both surprising and more complex than I had anticipated. The report of results might then continue by providing information about quantitative research essay categories of customer, what different types of customers ate and did, and any additional results that help answer the other research questions posed in the introductory paragraphs. Major trends revealed by the data should be reported, and both content and writing style should be clear and factual.

Interpretation and discussion are best saved for the Discussion section except in those rare instances when guidelines indicate that research results and discussion should be combined in a single section. Although you will need to inform readers about any mathematical or statistical analysis of your raw data if you have not already done so in the Method section, the raw data itself is usually not appropriate for a short research paper. Discussion The Discussion section of a quantitative paper is where you interpret your research results and discuss their implications. Here the hypotheses as well as the research questions established in the introductory material are important.

Were your primary suppositions confirmed by your results or not? Be precise and concise as quantitative research essay discuss your findings, quantitative research essay, but keep in mind that matters need not be quite as black and white or as strictly factual as they quantitative research essay in the Results section. Your ideas and argument should be soundly based on the data you collected, of course, but the Discussion is the place for describing complexities and expressing uncertainties as well as offering interpretations and explanations. In fact, individuals are the most frequent customers, with groups of teenagers running a close second. These teenagers are often in the restaurant when families are and they sometimes sit on the indoor toys instead of at the plastic tables and chairs, quantitative research essay, which I can confirm as extremely uncomfortable.

On a few occasions the presence of teenagers appeared to intimidate the children and prevent them from playing on the facilities intended for them. The few parents who make healthy choices for themselves and their children often do not insist upon the children eating those items, adding waste of both food and money to the problem. A3 is revealed as more sentiment than fact. The discussion could then continue with information about the customers, behaviours and other issues that render the findings more complex and the restaurant more valuable to the community than the primary results noted above may indicate:. Do they usually remain alone or do they meet up with others to linger and talk over coffee or lunch?

In towns without recreation centres or other facilities for teens, restaurants with informal, open-door policies can be vital, quantitative research essay. Those single fathers are certainly worthy of some attention, quantitative research essay instance, quantitative research essay, and perhaps family groups occasionally met up with other families, ate together and then lingered for dessert and talk as their children enjoyed the toys. This would be worth discussing too. Remember as you analyse your data, reflect quantitative research essay your findings, determine their meaning and develop your argument quantitative research essay it is important to keep the limitations of your methodology and thus of your results and their implications clearly in mind.

Finally, the last part of quantitative research essay Discussion usually provides concluding comments, so summarising your key points and clearly articulating the main messages you want your readers to take away with them are essential. In some organisational templates, Conclusions are offered in a separate final section of the paper instead of at the end of the Discussion, quantitative research essay, so always check the guidelines. References These references follow APA style, but since special fonts may not display properly in all online situations, please note that the titles of books and the names and volume numbers of journals are and should be in italic font. The list represents a sample only; a paper the length of the one posited in this example would almost certainly mention, discuss and list more than half a dozen studies and sources.

Chapton, D. Will Quaintville lose its favourite family restaurant? Quaintville Timespp. A1, A3. Local dive sees last days. Quaintville Community Newsletterpp. Shemble, M. Is anyone really eating healthy fast food in rural towns? Shunts, P. The true cost of high-fat fast food for low-income families. Parkson, L. Family diets, fast foods and unhealthy choices. Jones eds, quantitative research essay. Philadelphia, PA: The Family Press. Whinner, quantitative research essay, N. Healthy families take time: The impact of fatty fast foods on child health. Journal article editing services. PhD thesis editing services. Manuscript editing services.

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Descrptive Design esearch Method and Design Proposal A research design is the approach utilized for a study used as a guide in gathering and analyzing data. There are two popular methods of research; qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research is an inductive, holistic, subjective, and process-oriented method technique employed to understand, interpret, describe, and establish a theory on a given topic, phenomena, or setting. Investigators employ this technique when their studies attempt to describe life experiences and give them meaning. In most cases, the method has associations with words, language and experiences, rather than measurements, statistics and numerical figures.

When the investigators use this method, they adapt a person centered, and holistic view to comprehend the given phenomenal without focusing on particular concepts. In addition, this method is dynamic and developmental, and it does not employ the use of formal structured instruments Hodkinson, Most importantly, qualitative data methods…. References Bickman, L. Chapter 1 Applied research design: A practical approach. pdf Grimes, A. Descriptive studies: What they can do and cannot do. Lancet, , Hofferth, S. Secondary data analysis in family research. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, -- Ethics in esearch For organizations of all types, the last three decades have been crucial in changing the manner in which organizations interact with each other, stakeholders, the government, and themselves.

Most of these changes occurred because of the evolution of globalization, which after the Cold War, increased cooperation between nations and regions while, at the same time, increased stakeholder expectations, opened hundreds of new markets, and now requires that organizations operate on a new level. Particularly after the Enron scandal, stakeholders expect more transparency and honesty from organizations. Because of advances in technology and communication, this has also bled over into…. Why Deliberative Democracy.

Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Leedy, P. Practical Research: PLanning and Design. New York: Prentice Hall. Robson, C. Real World Research: A Resource for Users of Social Research Methods in Applied Settings. New York: Wiley. SA Health Info. Ethics issues in qualitative research. Retrieved from sahealthinfo. Mixed Method Qualitative, quantitative, mixed methodologies Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodology research Quantitative methodologies tend to be data-driven in nature. The presumption of the correct 'way of knowing' in quantitative research is positivistic in nature. It is assumed there is an objective, concrete truth that can be learned through empirical observation and the careful construction of an experiment.

Quantitative methods of research often use the scientific method or quasi-scientific methods of study design. The researcher has a clear idea of the phenomenon he or she is attempting to study. The researcher's primary tools include questionnaires, objective measurements and other methods of gathering statistical results. Often there is a control group to see if the results are statistically significant in nature. The study is carefully designed before the research takes place to isolate specific variables of inquiry and its focus of study is narrow, rather than broad. The types of knowledge…. References Neill, James. quantitative research.

html The qualitative vs. quantitative debate. Writing at CSU. inductive manner or a deductive manner. Quantitative research is deductive and is conducted according to a hypothesis that has been generated from a review of the literature in the field of study. Qualitative research, on the other hand, is an inductive process that does not use a hypothesis to guide the inquiry. Making a choice between the two research methods is largely determined by the research questions that have been generated by the researcher and by data collection feasibility constraints.

Put simply, quantitative research emphasizes theory testing, while qualitative research takes a theory building approach. Quantitative research methods. A hypothesis is a tentative assumption about a relationship between two or more variables. It is stated as a question that the research is designed to answer. Quantitative research is constructed on the basis of two hypothesis statements in order to use statistical processes to determine relationships among variables. A null hypothesis,…. References Shuttleworth, M. Quantitative research design. html Trochum, W. Qualitative approaches. Research Methods Knowledge Base, Social Research Methods. The potential study that would be conducted for collecting numerical data is finding the connection between healthy aging and having a marital partner spouse among older adults.

It is the selected and proposed quantitative research topic for this paper to apply quantitative methods for the research. It would be primary quantitative research for which the data would be collected first-hand, rather than relying on the already available data. Research Problem The proposed research problem in the proposed research study is whether there is a connection between having a marital partner and spouse for healthy aging. It would be investigated whether there is a relationship between the existence of social relationships for male and female older adults to age healthily. Age comes with several diseases: hypertension, heart diseases, cardiovascular and chronic diseases, and mental diseases like Alzheimer's, depression or dementia, etc. Therefore, it is suggested that old age people should have….

References Gutierrez-Vega, M. The possible protective effect of marital status in quality of life among elders in a U. Mexico border city. Community Mental Health Journal, 54, Life satisfaction in later life: The interplay of marital condition and income among elderly Koreans. Sustainability, 12 8. Marital status, health, and mortality. Maturitas, 73 4 , DOI: Health-related behaviors and the benefits of marriage for elderly persons. The Gerontologist, 38 5 , Wong, J. Marriage, social networks, and health at older ages.

Journal of Population Ageing, 8 , Experimental esearch Methods in Business Experimental esearch Methods The author provides a survey of the literature illustrating applied experimental research methods in cross-sections of business and organization types. The advantages and disadvantages of the experimental research methods are discussed for each of the examples provided which run the gamut from depression-era agricultural economics to research conducted for the National Science Institute. While the article focuses on business research methods, the range of examples from multiple disciplines serves to demonstrate the adaptability of various methods to distinct contexts, the importance of thoughtfully developed research questions, and perceptions in the field regarding scientific rigor.

The article is intended to guide students in their exploration of the breadth and depth of experimental research methods and to convey a sense of the challenges of applied scientific inquiry. Introduction The study of business topics has not always been inherently scientific. Certainly the work of Max…. References Campbell, A. A quick guide to research methods, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 25 3 , Cooper, D. And Schindler, P. Business research methods. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Demarco, T. Adrenaline junkies and template zombies: Understanding patterns of project behavior. New York, NY: Dorset House Publishing Co. Elliott F. Experimental method in economic research, Journal of Farm Economics, 11 4 gender discrepancies in regards to African-American education.

There has been a noticeable, growing increase of the presence of African-American women in undergraduate and graduate education while the gap between African-American males and females has widened. The dissertation will use a mixed methods, grounded theory perspective to determine why this is the case. The overall theoretical perspective of the work will be rooted in critical race theory and poststructuralist concepts. Quantitatively assessed questionnaires and coded qualitative interviews will attempt to answer the question of why African-American male participation in higher education lags behind that of African-American females.

These trends will be contextualized in the overall, larger trend of increased female participation as a whole on the undergraduate and graduate levels, to the point that women are now graduating in greater numbers than their male colleagues. As well as research questions specific to the dissertation, the relative merits of qualitative and quantitative…. References Charmaz, Kathy. Grounded theory. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. Education esearch The problem being researched or evaluated The presenting problems are inattentive and non-cooperative behavior in two special education students during classroom instruction.

The teacher needs to get the attention of the students and get them to sit in their seats in order to engage them in instruction. The teacher will need to determine how to reward the students for attending and engaging in the lessons being presented to them. If a program evaluation, what kind? The research design will be action research in order to engage the practitioners in an evaluative endeavor that will encompass their behavioral and academic instruction with the students. References Guskey, T. Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press. Sagor, R How to conduct collaborative action research.

Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. goal of this research is to identify interventions that can reduce the risk of negative outcomes for at-risk youth. The basis for the analysis will rely on prior literature on parenting styles, co-parenting conflicts, and also child pre-disposition to violence. A literature review is the initial research design, with the goal of explaining the nature of the problem and the variables involved Blakstad, n. The research may progress into two further stages, including an exploratory and primarily qualitative phase. Subsequent to the exploratory research, a pilot study with longitudinal design may be warranted, but experimental designs are not indicated in a project of this nature. Because the research is currently exploratory in nature, as it is in the early stages, several descriptive research designs would be highly appropriate.

Three of the descriptive research designs that would be appropriate to this dissertation in particular include Case Study and Descriptive esearch. References Blakstad, O. Research designs. Research Design in Social Research. London: SAGE, ; Trochim, William M. Research Methods Knowledge Base. Shuttleworth, M. Case study research design. social science research are qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research is believed to operate from a subjective, constructionist view of reality, whereas quantitative research operates from an objective, positivist viewpoint of the world.

There has been quite a bit of debate over the merits of each of these approaches, often with one paradigm belittling the assumptions of the other. The current literature review explores the philosophical foundations of each paradigm, compares their practical differences, and discusses the strengths and weakness of both approaches as they relate to research in the social sciences and to human resources research. The rationale for mixed-methods research, where the two paradigms are combined, is also discussed. In recent years there has been substantial interest concerning the role of specific paradigms and philosophical assumptions with regards to doing research.

There has been a growing concern regarding the adequacy of research methods in social sciences and…. References Anderson, V. London, UK: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Blalock, M. Basic dilemmas in the social sciences. Sociological paradigms and organization analysis. London, UK: Heinemann. Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: How is it done? Qualitative Research, 6, Unlike primary data that are time-consuming, the secondary data is less time consuming, and a research could collect secondary data to answer the research questions as well as achieving research objectives.

Boslaug argues that the economy is the major advantage of secondary data. More importantly, the saving of time is another major advantage of secondary data. Since the data has already been collected and analyzed, the research only needs to collect the data for his or her research study. Boslaug further points out that secondary data are characterized with the informed expertise, which may not be available with primary data. Despite the advantages that this research derives from secondary data, there are still disadvantages associated with secondary data. The secondary data may not be suitable to…. References Borlaug, S.

Secondary Data Sources for Public Health: A Practical Guide. Cambridge University Press. Hox, J. Data Collection Primary vs. Utrecht University. The Nethertland. Morrell, K. Quantitative Data Basic Introduction. The overall objective of this type of research is to develop models, theories and hypotheses that consist of measurable and verifiable datum. The overall basis for quantitative research is within the process of measurement. This process establishes the necessary connection between empirical observation and the mathematical expression of the interrelationships of quantitative datum. Thus, the researcher must ask specific, rather narrow questions; collect samples of numerical data; analyze that data mathematically; and then develop an unbiased result that can be replicated as well as generalized to a larger population.

This is in contrast to qualitative research, that tends to follow broader questions with verbiage-based datum; and focuses on themes to describe patterns within the research set; then extrapolates that information into a larger group Given, ,…. Choice Theory: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. Creswell, J. Research Design 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Given, L. The Safe Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Goertz, G. A Tale of Two Cultures: Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Quantitative Social science sometimes debates differences between quantitative and qualitative. On one side, positivists argue quantitative research is objective and measurable where post-positivists argue qualitative analysis allows for a rich understanding of the situation.

Although qualitative and quantitative research differ in the techniques, types of data and ethical concerns, they both have their place in psychology. Let us begin by exploring the realm of quantitative research and then move on to qualitative research. Quantitative research is research that uses numerical measures to evaluate the world. Often, this approach is used by positivists who believe in objective measures to predict the world. This epistemology says research can and should focus only on what can be observed and measured. Following is a discussion of features of quantitative research including techniques, types of data and possible ethical concerns.

There are multiple techniques used to collect quantitative data, but all techniques will…. Works Cited Bartholomew, L. Attachment styles among young adults: A test of a four-category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Monk, A. Mixing oil and water? Ethnography vs. experimental psychology in the study of computer-mediated communication. INTERCHI'93, Rusbult, C. Commitment and satisfaction in romantic associations: A test of the investment model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 16,, Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: Responses to dissatisfaction in romantic involvements. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Designing effective research for the purpose of studying administrative or policy issues can be a difficult task.

An effective research design elicits the information and data necessary for the researcher to conclude certain results and findings that are both valid and reliable. Theoretically a research design will provide the researcher with efficient tools and a methodology that will be efficient and effective. However, theories are not always practical when it comes to administrative, policy or social concerns. One expert recently wrote "it is important to know that one model may not meet the needs of every locality" Cimino, , p. The vast majority of time administrative problems arise because people view events with such diversity. esearch that attempts to quantify qualitative findings is oftentimes much more difficult than theory would imagine.

There are some…. References Cimino, C. Diocesan and local leaders use new models to enable schools to survive and thrive, Momentum Washington, D. The commercial and saving bank loans and financing options are usually provided by the financial service providers are more focused to provide funds for business venture. The loan's security is also devised based on credit cards, business performance, and the likelihood of growth potential. However, the loan associations and building loans are more concerned about promoting land and building ownerships.

Bibliography: Bryman, A. USA: Oxford University Press. Caprio Jr. Reforming financial systems: historical implications for policy. USA: Cambridge University Press. P Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. USA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Dexter, S. A treatise on co-operative savings and loan associations. USA: BiblioLife, L. esponses may be 'coded' so that some numerical data can be amassed but overall, the most important part of the research is the lived 'experience' that is recorded. In contrast, with quantitative research, it is the data that is more significant.

However, quantitative studies can provide the springboard for qualitative studies, as they point out phenomena in the general population that needs to be studied in more 'micro-level' detail. Similarly, qualitative studies can act as early fact-finding expeditions that provide the basis for quantitative analysis, to see if the study of the smaller population is reflective of a larger phenomenon. Neither one type of research needs to come before the other. A good example of a comparison of qualitative and quantitative research from translation studies can be found in the field of "research in second language learning that identifies learners' problems in composition and attempts to explain them by referring….

References Connor, Ulla. Contrastive rhetoric: Cross-cultural aspects of second-language writing. ERIC Database. The qualitative -- quantitative distinction: Some comments. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49 2 : -- Counseling Master Questionnaire Counseling Questionnaire Define research A counseling session with an individual may qualify research as, putting together of information and understandings, followed by determination of validity of the conclusions and activities central on the shared knowledge McLeod, p. A working definition of research is; an organized course of decisive investigation resulting to legitimate suggestions and conclusions, which are conveyed to other interested people.

Based on this definition, there are several concepts that need evaluation. Critical inquiry is the drive whereby human beings are curious to know, learn and offer solutions to problems. As a process, research includes steps or stages, which further relies on observation, reflection and experimentation. In the case of systematic, this means that research takes place within a theoretical system, and research includes application of principles aiming at achieving valid information. esults of research are propositions meaning that, after a research, there is a…. References McLeod. Doing counseling research 2nd ed. Crotty, M. The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspectives in the research process.

Counseling and educational research: Evaluation and application. Another Perspective The line of thought espoused in the QH article is echoed when assessing the California State University at Long Beach website section regarding qualitative research. They, much like the author of this response would suggest, advocate the importance and necessity of qualitative research but at the same time caution about using it correctly and in a way that yields proper and verifiable results. Simple conjecture and blind assumptions are not part of any good research, qualitative or quantitative, and that slippery slope that exists is much more pervasive and prone to come to pass when…. References CSULB. Qualitative Research.

Cal State University Long Beach. Retrieved April 15, , from www. htm Nakash, O. Examination of the Role of Implicit Clinical Judgments during the Mental Health Intake. Qualitative Health Research, 23 5 , Similarly, researchers should be aware of the consequences of halo, prejudice to the leniency or seriousness of fundamental trend and position or propinquity of deviation from the pace that can artificially increase reliability of measure devoid of improving reaction correctness or validity. Williams, and Poijula, The sample will not be random, 2. all demographic information will be self reported and not verified, 3. all the subjects for the study came from 3 local Kansas mental health facilities located in South Central Kansas, 4.

all data for the BDI-II is self reported, 5. data is for individuals with specific DSM-IV diagnosis, 6. data is for individuals who are currently seeking treatment for the specified DSM-IV disorders Schiraldi, major strength is that respondents will be selected from? number of different places for better…. References Schiraldi, Glenn. McGraw-Hill; 1 edition p. New Harbinger Publications; 1 edition. Keane, Terence and Friedman, M. Matthew J. The Guilford Press; 1 edition. Quantitative data is considered to be independent from the researcher, and therefore an objective measurement of reality. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

certified writers online. Learn More. The quota sample to developed came from a list of all employees and customers who had gone through the company for a period of three years. Thus in explaining the two approaches, Burian et al noted that the latter helps the researcher to come to terms with the strategies used to market the company's products thereby exploring approaches and later using [ In examining the difficulty involved in the Chinese students studying in America, the study wanted to investigate several questions in the context of the established problem. The aim of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that the facial expression depicted by people is related to the effective emotional response. The aim of the research was that of identifying inconsistencies in the facility service and measuring the customers' views on the quality of the resources and library service.

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